Selected talks and recordings
I have bouquet of emotions when it comes to giving talks. It is a lot of fun. I enjoy speaking about things I’m passionate about. It is also absolutely horrifying. Even after years of practice with talks and multi-day workshops, I still spend the week prior to a talk sleepless with every possible worry. And of course (hello there, Impostor Syndrome!) it keeps being a surprise to be asked to give a talk. Whenever it happens, a mix of pride, self-doubt, joy, fear, and the thought ‘is the sender really sure they sent this to the right person?’ makes me stare at the email in careful disbelief with a freeze response for a few hours.
So to my continuing surprise, horror, and joy, I got to give many talks about things I am passionate about over the years. And I’m usually incredibly happy if they get recorded (actually thanks, Pandemic!), because then I can also get to see them once my adrenaline rush went by.
If you are interested in talks I gave, you can usually find all my slides on Zenodo and their sources GitHub. And if you search for it, you can find recordings of many of them on YouTube. A selection from various sources is below:
Reproducibility management in Neuroscience
Receiving the invitation to the DGPA/DGPs-Symposium “Computational Reproducibility” was my most memorable please wait while I hyperventilate experience so far. I learned - from the response email after accepting the casual “hey how about you come give a short talk it might be fun” invitation - that one of my biggest scientific heroes would give a talk as well. That email found me while I was on a train ride, and I almost missed my stop because I couldn’t move for a while.
Follow the rabbits: The 2020 OHBM Brainhack Traintrack Session on DataLad
This video is a DataLad tutorial for the OHBM Brainhack, but it contains bunnies as clickbait:
DataLad - Decentralized Management of Digital Objects for Open Science
I was proud to represent the DataLad project, which I hadn’t been a part of for too long at the time, at the DebConf (the Debian Conference). I was also excited to play with OBS for the first time when creating this video.
Version Control for data and beyond
I believe version control makes science better. This talk gave me the chance to outline many reasons why.
all things version control and DataLad workshops
I’ve given quite a few tutorials and workshops. You will find a few on the DataLad YouTube Channel, but the one below is from the ABCD-ReproNim Course.
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